GeoWebCache does not have queuing system for seeding processes. Therefore you can't just send hundreds of seeding requests with REST API because that would start them all at the same time. However, the REST API does return the status of running processes and it should be possible to ping the running processes and start new ones once the previous ones have been finished but I have never tried that. I simply create seeding processes of equal size and measure how long they usually take. If seeding is usually finished in 15 minutes I make a script that starts new processes after every 20 minutes. It is not optimal because usually this leads to 5 minutes idle time between the processes. What is more important for me is that by keeping the seeding processes small I can be rather sure that they are successful.
One big problem with seeding the GWC cache is that user does not see any difference between success and failure. If some seeding process fails it just disappears from the list and the same happens when the seeding gets finished fine. Therefore I tend to give 4-6 threads for each seeding process and keep the processes relatively small. This way some threads may die but the seeding process can still continue to the end with the remaining threads.
REST seeding commands should look about like these ones:
curl -x -v -k -u admin:geoserver -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "{'seedRequest':{'name':'GWC_layer','bounds':{'coords':{ 'double':['1.0','1.0','2.0','2.0']}},'srs':{'number':4326},'zoomStart':8,'zoomStop':11,'format':'image\/png','type':'seed','threadCount':4}}}" "http://gshost:8080/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/GWC_layer.json"
Wait x minutes, give a new BBOX
curl -x -v -k -u admin:geoserver -XPOST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d "{'seedRequest':{'name':'GWC_layer','bounds':{'coords':{ 'double':['1.0','2.0','2.0','3.0']}},'srs':{'number':4326},'zoomStart':8,'zoomStop':11,'format':'image\/png','type':'seed','threadCount':4}}}" "http://gshost:8080/geoserver/gwc/rest/seed/GWC_layer.json"
Your idea about getting something back from GeoServer/GWC side for triggering the next seeding reques (or re-seeding request in case of interrupted process) is excellent. I recommend to read and follow the advice.