I'm fairly new to python scripting.
I've written a script that runs fine from PythonWin or the ArcMap Python window, but is having issues when I run it from ArcToolbox.
The script adds a feature dataset to a geodatabases and then takes a group of fcs (all named S_FEP from multiple geodatabases) and merges them into a single fc in that feature dataset. It then moves on and creates another feature dataset and merges another group of S_FEP fcs.
When it is run from ArcToolbox the subsequent feature datasets get created, but the first set of S_FEP fcs are merged and put in the new feature datasets instead of a new group of fcs. This only happens when running it from ArcToolbox.
# Import Modules
print "Importing Modules: arcpy, os & fnmatch"
arcpy.AddMessage("Importing Modules")
import arcpy
import os
import fnmatch
# Set Top Level Variables
topDir = r"C:\Test\August"
#topDir = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
MonthYear = "082016"
#MonthYear = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
workingFldr = "FEP_XS_Working"
# Set Top Environment
arcpy.env.workspace = topDir
print "Environment set to:", topDir
arcpy.AddMessage("Environment Set")
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
print "Overwrite Outputs = True"
arcpy.AddMessage("Overwrite Outputs = True")
# Create FEP_XS_Working Folder in topDir
arcpy.CreateFolder_management(topDir, workingFldr)
print "Created FEP_XS_Working Folder"
arcpy.AddMessage("Created FEP_XS_Working Folder")
# Create IDNR_FEP_XS_MonthYear.gdb in FEP_XS_Working folder
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(os.path.join(topDir,os.path.basename(workingFldr)), "IDNR_FEP_XS_" + MonthYear + ".gdb")
workDB = os.path.join(topDir, os.path.basename(workingFldr),"IDNR_FEP_XS_" + MonthYear + ".gdb")
print "Created Database:", workDB
arcpy.AddMessage("Created Database")
# List folders in topDir
for basinfolder in os.listdir(topDir):
if basinfolder.startswith('0'):
print "Found Basin:", basinfolder
arcpy.AddMessage("Found Basin")
# Create Feature Dataset
cs = arcpy.SpatialReference('NAD 1983 UTM Zone 16N')
arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(workDB, "HUC10_"+basinfolder, cs)
featureDS = os.path.join(workDB, "HUC10_"+os.path.basename(basinfolder))
print "Created Feature Dataset:", featureDS
arcpy.AddMessage("Created Feature Dataset")
# Create List of S_FEP Layers and Create Variable for their Projections
FEPMergeLst = []
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in arcpy.da.Walk(topDir):
for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, 'S_FEP'):
# Merge all FEP layers into a single layer
if FEPMergeLst:
outDir = featureDS
outNm = "Flood_Elevation_Pts_DRN_Water_"+os.path.basename(basinfolder)
outLyr = os.path.join(outDir, os.path.basename(outNm))
print "outLyr =", outLyr
arcpy.Merge_management(FEPMergeLst, outLyr)
print "Completed S_FEP Merge"
arcpy.AddMessage("Completed S_FEP Merge")
featureDS = arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management(workDB, "HUC10_"+basinfolder, cs)[0]
will give you exactly what the followingos.path.join
gives. I did not test your code but think this might be the culprit.arcpy.Delete_management(os.path.join(workDB, "HUC10_"+os.path.basename(basinfolder)))