I clip a polylines vector layer with a polygon vector layer, containing one single polygon. I need my polylines to be clipped at the polygon's boundaries.

CREATE TABLE test AS (SELECT a.gid, st_intersection(a.geom, b.geom) FROM lines a, polygon b WHERE st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom));

I can't visualize the test table in QGIS because the type of geom column seems not to be recognized (see image below, which is DB Manager GUI). Thus I tried to specify it within pgAdmin:

ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(MultiLineString) USING geom::geometry(MultiLineString);

This issues the following error message:

ERROR: Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type (MultiLineString)

enter image description here



I tried to keep the geometry column from the polylines layer together with the st_intersection() function.

CREATE TABLE test AS (SELECT a.gid, a.geom, st_intersection(a.geom, b.geom) FROM lines a, polygon b WHERE st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom));

This allows to display the table within QGIS but as there are 2 geometry columns produced, the clipping is not displayed and QGIS considers that 2 tables were created.

enter image description here

I need to make a clean clipping of my polylines layer resulting in a new table with a geometry columns having geometry(MultiLineString) type and displaying well in DB Manager.

3 Answers 3


The ST_Intersection can produce different geometry-types in one go (image two lines intersecting at one point, returning a point) and likely therefore you are receiving linestrings and multilinestrings at the same time.

Try wrapping your ST_Intersection() in ST_Multi() so that it always returns a multilinestring, even when it is just a linestring, and check your output for anything else then a line (points).

As a bonus: try to alias your functions so they produce nice column names. So:

SELECT ST_Intersection(geomA, geomB) AS geom
  • Thanks @tilt, but st_multi() does not do the job for me... I will post an answer with a solution I found afterward.
    – wiltomap
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 14:57

OK, just found the solution on my own:

CREATE TABLE test AS (SELECT a.gid, a.geom, st_intersection(a.geom, b.geom) FROM lines a, polygon b WHERE st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom));

I had to keep the geometry column from the polylines layer together with st_intersection() function.

  • 1
    This is not a good solution for the query will generate two geometry columns: geom and st_intersection. When opened with QGIS, the column geom is used to display the lines so the intersection (clipping) is not performed... Any help would be welcome!
    – wiltomap
    Commented Sep 19, 2016 at 14:23

Other solution to this issue:

  1. Create a new table with the st_intersection() function:

    CREATE TABLE test AS (SELECT a.gid, st_intersection(a.geom, b.geom) AS geom FROM lines a, polygon b WHERE st_intersects(a.geom, b.geom));
  2. At this stage, geometry column's type is geometry with no more precision on the type of geometry (point, linestring, polygon, etc.). It is not possible to set a more accurate type:

    ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(MultiLineString) USING geom::geometry(MultiLineString);
    -- Error message:
    -- ERROR:  Geometry type (LineString) does not match column type (MultiLineString)
  3. Then, let's check geometry type of test table:

    SELECT DISTINCT GeometryType(the_geom) FROM test;
    -- Result:
    -- geom
    -- geometry
    -- ----------------

    There are 2 geometry types. This is why changing the type of geometry column is not accepted.

  4. Update the geometry column for LINESTRING rows:

    UPDATE test SET geom = st_multi(geom) WHERE GeometryType(geom) = 'LINESTRING';
  5. Now, defining geometry column type is possible:

    ALTER TABLE test ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(MultiLineString) ;

Hope this can help!

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