I created simple simple web site:

    ], function (
       ) {
        esriConfig.defaults.io.proxyUrl = ""
        esriConfig.defaults.io.alwaysUseProxy = true;
        var customExtentAndSR = new esri.geometry.Extent(-437000, -1244500, -409000, -1239500, new esri.SpatialReference({ wkid: 5514 }));
        map = new Map("mapDiv", { logo: false, extent: customExtentAndSR, nav: false, slider: false, fitExtent: true, fadeOnZoom: true, showAttribution: false });
        var infoWindow = new InfoWindowLite(null, domConstruct.create("div", null, null, map.root));

 var template = new InfoTemplate();
var featureLayer = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer("", {
 mode: esri.layers.FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
 infoTemplate: template,
 outFields: ["*"]

When I use "MODE_SNAPSHOT" for my featurelayer, layer is displayed and is possible to display infotemplate. But when I run my web site again, It seems to be problem with CORS (No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:12345' is therefore not allowed access.). Once is everything OK, once not. When I run my web site 10 times, approximatelly 5 times is problem with CORS. When I use "MODE_ONDEMAND" it´s OK but when I zoom my layer, problem with CORS is displayed and zoomed layer is not displayed. When I used this sample code with the same layer but as dynamicservicelayer with labels, It seems to be OK. Could someone help me with this problem ? Is it problem with settings in proxy ?

1 Answer 1


When communicating to a service using the Esri Javascript API, a proxy page will only avoid CORS issues if the proxy page uses the same URL prefix as the original web site.

So, if your web site is http://localhost:12345/path/to/index.html, the request to: ...is still crossing an origin and will trigger the CORS preflight and checks.

If you can run the proxy page somewhere behind http://localhost:12345, then you should not see the CORS errors.

I'm not sure why you only see the problem about half the time.

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