I want to convert a point shapefile to a raster with the same extent and resolution as an input raster using the algorithm saga:shapestogrid. When I run this code:
##Input_field= field Sampled_trees
from qgis.core import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
inputTrees= processing.getObject(Sampled_trees)
inputField = inputTrees.fieldNameIndex(Input_field)
dem = processing.getObject(Elevation_model)
result = processing.runalg('saga:shapestogrid', inputTrees, Input_field, 0, 0, 4, dem.extent(), dem.rasterUnitsPerPixelX(), path)
I get the error: Error: Wrong parameter value: qgis._core.QgsRectangle object at 0x0000000019F287B8
If I add or remove any parameter, the error will be Error: Wrong number of parameters.
The documentation gives the following syntax: processing.runalg('saga:shapestogrid', input, field, multiple, line_type, grid_type, output_extent, user_size, user_grid)
How should I define the output_extent parameter to make the algorithm to run?
xmin, xmax...
etc and then calling this in your parameter as"%f,%f,%f,%f"% (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)