I have several shp files which are the components (or tiles) of a map, I have joint all these tiles together to have a large shp file. Then I realized some of the polygon is now split into 2 halves, as the upper part belongs to a tile, while the lower part belongs to another tile.
This output disturbs me a lot as I need to fill some polygon, but not part of the "split polygon", so I need to find a way to merge these split polygon back to one (preferably mechanical way, as I have 10000+ polygons, not knowing which are split, which are not).
I need to know if the two or more polygons originate from the larger polygon. And I think I can somehow use union
and spRbind
to create an algorithm for this task. But I doubt if I am really the first one who encounters this problem, so I wonder if there is any existing tool in R that can solve this.