I'm having some issues with QGIS 2.14 Essen (all of the versions...). Specifically, I'm trying to do a buffer on a vector layer using the "Buffer Vectors" tool from the processing toolbox (ogr2ogr).
My layer is called "buffertest.shp", and contains 2 polygons. I'm using the default options, buffer distance of 1000 (Using CRS 27700, so it's 1000m), saving output as a temporary file. The console call is:
ogr2ogr.exe "\"[temporary file]\"" C:/Users/Skipper/Desktop/buffertest.shp buffertest -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_Buffer( geometry , 1000 ),* FROM 'buffertest' "
So far so good.
When the command is run, get a lovely message in the tool log saying:
cmd.exe /C ogr2ogr.exe "C:\Users\Skipper\AppData\Local\Temp\processing0c9922510f974f0eb4b34b3af7a0f9f6\9a2f675c807343c19e3a58fd66848382\OUTPUTLAYER.shp" C:\Users\Skipper\AppData\Local\Temp\processing0c9922510f974f0eb4b34b3af7a0f9f6\1476169842.153.shp 1476169842.153 -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT ST_Buffer( geometry , 1000 ),* FROM 'buffertest' "
GDAL command output:
Warning 1: layer names ignored in combination with -sql.
ERROR 1: In ExecuteSQL(): sqlite3_prepare(SELECT ST_Buffer( geometry , 1000 ),* FROM 'buffertest' ):
no such table: buffertest
Converting outputs
Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.
You can check the log messages to find more information about the execution of the algorithm
Which isn't ideal. No layer created, just the error there. The log in the Log Messages Panel is the same, with the addition of QGIS saying it can't load the layer, because it doesn't exist.
Running the command through OSGEO4W shell works fine - gives the error:
Warning 1: layer names ignored in combination with -sql
But generates the right output.
C:\Users\Skipper\AppData\Local\Temp\processing0c9922510f974f0eb4b34b3af7a0f9f6\1476169842.153.shp 1476169842.153
I do not know if the number string converts somehow into "buffertest". If not, it is no wonder that GDAL does not find the layer.