I'm trying to generate two line offsets from a line but I'm having problems generating them as they should be.
Using PostGIS
select st_asgeojson(st_union(the_geom)) from (
select ST_Line_Substring(ST_OffsetCurve(line_geom,0.00005),0,1) as the_geom from table_name where id = 7382
select ST_Line_Substring(ST_OffsetCurve(line_geom,-0.00005),0,1) as the_geom from table_name where id = 7382
select (line_geom) as the_geom from table_name where id = 7382) as a
the problem I'm seeing right now is the angle between the start/end of given line isn't perpendicular to the start/end of the other lines
EDIT: lines' geometry and srid
"LINESTRING(-8.69371814905576 40.5676685897826,-8.69334901004008 40.567864446704)",4326
"LINESTRING(-8.6936947144568 40.5676244216994,-8.69332557544112 40.5678202786208)",4326
"LINESTRING(-8.69330214084216 40.5677761105376,-8.69367127985784 40.5675802536163)",4326