The options seem sparse, but maybe I'm missing something (I'm new to both ArcGIS for Android and Android Honeycomb). Is there a way to make the basemap transparent?
Update: this question is on the Esri application available in the android market.
The options seem sparse, but maybe I'm missing something (I'm new to both ArcGIS for Android and Android Honeycomb). Is there a way to make the basemap transparent?
Update: this question is on the Esri application available in the android market.
There is currently not a way to change the transparency of a basemap loaded in the ArcGIS app available in the Play Store. The only way to control the transparency of the basemap is to use ArcGIS Online and set the transparency of the webmap there.
Yes just set the base layer opacity before adding it to the MapView.
So something like
MapView map;
ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer backgroundMap = new ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer("your map");