I'm trying to build a heatmap of crime locations as part of a big data solution. My inputs are street names that I must map to geo coordinates. I know java and have downloaded several gis toolsets but have no experience with GIS at all.
I found an ArcGIS dataset that seems to have all street names for the state in question and have managed to export it to .csv format as follows
A45, Federal Forest Road 4694,0,0,0,0,48763,48763,, Federal Forest Road 4694,,,,,,,,,,,87180,87180,69,69,0,1,1,0,5491232,0,0.314,83013877,83013878,54912328301387783013878,505.59898942,8301387708041,14a
A32,.TRUE. Dr SW,4699,4629,4698,4628,49544,49544,,.TRUE.,Dr,SW,,,,,,,,,82960,82960,81,81,7,4,4,5,443704,0,0.093,41019877,41035029, 4437044101987741035029,148.7904383145,4101987705219,14a
A32,0 27,0,0,0,0,49835,49835,,0 27,,,,O 27,,,,,,,26960,26960,41,41,7,1,1,3,1357703,0,0.16,21012040,21013908,13577032101204021013908,257.495040047,2101204009438,14a
A32,0 32,0,0,0,0,49835,49835,,0 32,,,,O 32,,,,,,,26960,26960,41,41,7,1,1,3,1357510,0,0.246,21013561,21012894,13575102101356121012894,396.278062758,2101356135998,14a
The problem is this doesn't contain geo coordinates in any format I recognize (decimal lat and lng coordinates).
I do have QGIS downloaded and loaded that with the .shp file. Looks like that will do it but don't know how to proceed. Can someone please advise? All I need for now is a .csv file with street names and vectors with lat/lng end point coordinates.