I have an ArcGIS lyr file describing Tiled Internet Layer (according to Data Source tab in properties). This file was created in ArcGIS Online by defining a new tile layer and downloading it.
Everything is OK with it except the projection. ArcGIS Online sets the projection of any newly created layer as WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere which is not correct in this case.
I need to change it to a proper one.
What i've already tried:
- Change projection by redefining it via toolbox (Data Management -> Define Projection. This gave me an error in ArcMap.
- Rough text edit of lyr file (by replacing a WKT-string with projection definition). This gave me an error when I'd tried to add it to a MXD (something like "Adding the selected layer file failed. Maybe it was created using a newer version of ArcGIS" which is not true)
- Change projection in ArcGIS Online
Is there any way to change the projection of such layer?