I have a script where I parse geojson earthquake data from around the world and create the point locations of the earthquake incidents. The script works fine. The CRS is 4326 or wgs84/lat long. I am planning on creating certain distances in miles around the points based on their magnitudes. For testing and learning purposes I want to create a 50 mile buffer around each point. I am using fiona and shapely. I can post all my code if somebody asks, although it does not seem necessary
import fiona
import shapely
python code.....
crs = from_epsg(4326)
point = Point(float(i["geometry"]["coordinates"][0]),float(i["geometry"]["coordinates"][1]))
output.write({'properties':{'Place': place, 'Magnitude': mag, 'KM': km, 'Bearing': bear},'geometry': mapping(shape(point.buffer(5)))})
I have seen this post Create a buffer in decimal degrees
but I do not want to call in arcpy for this analysis.
I am open to a custom Python conversion from miles to decimal degrees or even feet to decimal degrees.