I'm making a map (you can see here) with different markers and layers to group these markers. I added polygons in another layer (Poligono layer), and I want to know if exist a way to add different information on each polygons that after can be show on a popup.
I can add different information on each marker using this
L.marker ([21.017697, -89.641353], {icon:hospitalIcon}).bindPopup('Info info info').addTo(hospitales),
Exist a way to add information for each polygon using something like .bindPopup for the polygons I am using?
L.polygon ([
[20.6894, -88.2017],
[20.572997, -88.730264],
[20.3457, -88.1677],
Something like the image. When you click, show information, I need to show different information for each polygon.
and you can see the complete code