I am try to round the expression below on carto but it still returns no decimal places. The columns are 'number' type. I have also tried SELECT round( CAST(column as numeric), 2 ) suggested here but no decimals either.

SELECT name,

ROUND((COUNT(*) filter (where religion = 'Orthodox Christian')) *100/ (COUNT(*) ),2) as orth_chri

FROM dataset_1
  • The solution is : SELECT name, ROUND((COUNT(*) filter (where religion = 'Orthodox Christian')) 100/ (COUNT() ),2) as orth_chri FROM dataset_1 GROUP BY name Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 15:53

1 Answer 1


The solution is to put ::numeric to change the data type

SELECT name, ROUND((COUNT() filter (where religion = 'Orthodox Christian')) 100/ (COUNT() ) ::numeric,1) as orth_chri

FROM dataset_1 GROUP BY name

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