Is there a method to know the exact pixel size (the original size) of a raster “aerial photo”?
I have purchased an Arial photo with 10 cm pixel size resolution, and I received a sample of it, but the issue here that I feel that the resolution on the image is not 10 cm , I come up with this conclusion by comparing these samples with other 10cm samples from other projects and the old aerial photos visually more clear than the new sample.
Both Erdas and ArcMAP shows the same pixel size (10cm) for both samples, and As I know you can produce any GSD in erads form the same Aerial photo by resampling the image to smaller pixels, and here the resolution stays the same but the pixels are smaller,
What I am trying to prove that this aerial photo was resampled form a higher GSD (maybe 15cm) to 10cm, is that possible?