I have a Layer, load from a WKT file in QGIS with and geometry field called 'geometry':
This is the wkt source:
0x10e04;Rego de San Xurxo;LINESTRING(-8.00676 43.54270,-8.00953 43.54159,-8.01118 43.54088,-8.01197 43.54056,-8.01208 43.54049)
I load into a layer with (Layer-Add Layer->Add delimited text layer) and all OK, then i 'Save as' ->SpatiaLite.... and I get a file example.sqlite. If I load into and SQlite Browser, i can see a field called "geometry" with BLOB content.
How is the equivalent command to QGIS "save as -> Spatialite" in ogr2ogr from the originl WKT file ?
All my attempts give me a example.sqlite but with a field "geometry" with text content, and this file can not be loaded into QGIS.