I would like to run a script on a ArcSDE feature class. The script runs perfectly when I hard code a shapefile, but is unable to connect to an ArcSDE database. The purpose of the script is to assign odd valued UIDs, and generate a dbf as an output with selected fields.
import arcpy
from arcpy import management as dm
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Set environment path to SDE connection
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Users\client\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.3\ArcCatalog\OZ@DB_MAPS.sde"
# Define fc name, DBF output location, and DBF output name
fc = "DB.OZ.PlantCenter"
gisID = "GIS_2016_0"
dbfLocation = r"C:\Users\client\data"
dbfOutputName = "trees_GIS"
if arcpy.Exists(fc):
arcpy.AddMessage("The feature class exists")
arcpy.AddError("The feature class does not exist")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor (fc, gisID) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == None:
row[0] = 0
# Query out odd values in "GIS_2016_0"
odd = []
even = []
oddCursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(fc)
for row in oddCursor:
uid = row.getValue (gisID)
if uid %2 == 1:
odd.append (uid)
even.append (uid)
field = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc,gisID)
odd_sql = ' OR '.join('%s = %s' %(field,i) for i in odd)
dm.MakeFeatureLayer(fc, "fc_temp")
dm.SelectLayerByAttribute("fc_temp", "NEW_SELECTION", odd_sql)
# Search for the latest maximum odd value
maxCursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor("fc_temp", gisID)
FirstRecord = True
for row in maxCursor:
if FirstRecord:
FirstRecord = False
maxValue = int(row[0])
maxValue = max(int(row[0]),maxValue)
if (maxValue % 2 == 1): #odd
# Define the function to assign incrementing odd values
def autoIncrement (start=0, step=1):
i = start
while 1:
yield i
# Query for new attributes with no assigned unique ID, and populate with a number following the last largest odd value
zero_qry = '"' + gisID + '" = ' + "0"
dm.MakeFeatureLayer(fc, "fc_temp")
dm.SelectLayerByAttribute("fc_temp", "NEW_SELECTION", zero_qry)
incrementCursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor ("fc_temp")
nextValue = maxValue + 2
incrementer = autoIncrement (nextValue, 2)
for row in incrementCursor:
row.setValue(gisID, incrementer.next())
arcpy.AddMessage("No odd unique IDs found.")
# Delete previous dbfs and export the feature class as a dbf with selected fields (overwrite)
dbfPath = dbfLocation + '\\' + dbfOutputName + '.dbf'
if arcpy.Exists(dbfPath):
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion (fc, dbfLocation, dbfOutputName)
# Get all fields in dbf and remove unwanted fields
fields = arcpy.ListFields("fc_temp")
keepFields = ['GIS_2016_0', 'SourceAcce', 'AccessionC', 'SectionNam', 'Longitude', 'Latitude']
dropFields = [x.name for x in fields if x.name not in keepFields]
dm.DeleteField (dbfPath, dropFields)
When the client ran this script through task scheduler using a basic task, the script returned no errors, but no output was produced.
New edit 01/13/2017:
The client ran the script in Arc, and was provided this error message:
I believe this SDE layer is versioned, so it might be related to the issue here: https://geonet.esri.com/thread/88268
Any thoughts on how to resolve the code?