I've posted this answer on SO for a related question.
This export function will allow you to generate a dataURL for your map, which you can use to produce a PDF (I'm using jsPDF).
This solution is dependent on html2canvas.js
function exportMap() {
var mapElem = document.getElementById('map'); // the id of your map div here
// html2canvas not able to render css transformations (the container holding the image tiles uses a transform)
// so we determine the values of the transform, and then apply them to TOP and LEFT
var transform=$(".gm-style>div:first>div").css("transform");
var comp=transform.split(","); //split up the transform matrix
var mapleft=parseFloat(comp[4]); //get left value
var maptop=parseFloat(comp[5]); //get top value
$(".gm-style>div:first>div").css({ //get the map container. not sure if stable
html2canvas(mapElem, {
useCORS: true,
onrendered: function(canvas) {
mapImg = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
// reset the map to original styling
// do something here with your mapImg
// e.g. I then use the dataURL in a pdf using jsPDF...
// createPDFObject();
- Only tested on Chrome and Firefox
- This is a hacky solution (unfortunately I am struggling to find other options for my situation)
- If you have the option to use Openlayers 3, there seems to be better canvas support, and I've also seen a convincing toBlob example: http://codepen.io/barbalex/pen/raagKq