I’m working on a script (that later should be used in a processing model) that uses gdal_rasterize to write different attribute values (columns) in different bands of one raster file.

I know that this I possible with gdal_rasterize using the -b and -burn flags. Anyway, I can’t manage to integrate this commands in my QGIS-Python script. Am I missing something with the syntax?

Here is the GDAL synopsis:

Usage: gdal_rasterize [-b band]* [-i] [-at]
   {[-burn value]* | [-a attribute_name] | [-3d]} [-add]
   [-l layername]* [-where expression] [-sql select_statement]
   [-dialect dialect] [-of format] [-a_srs srs_def]
   [-co "NAME=VALUE"]* [-a_nodata value] [-init value]*
   [-te xmin ymin xmax ymax] [-tr xres yres] [-tap] [-ts width height]
   [-ot {Byte/Int16/UInt16/UInt32/Int32/Float32/Float64/
         CInt16/CInt32/CFloat32/CFloat64}] [-q]
   <src_datasource> <dst_filename>

And here is my script so far:

 ##Output=output raster
 ##cellsize=number 25

import os, processing, osgeo.gdal

                                        "EXTRA": None,
  • 1
    I think it's not possible to add extra flags when using gdal from Processing. Are you able to directly call GDAL through Python?
    – mgri
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 14:13
  • That is what I was wondering! If it is possible to directly call GDAL through Python, I don’t know how to do it...
    – Miron
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 14:18

2 Answers 2


From the algorithm dialog you should see something like this:

enter image description here

which is a call from GDAL using Processing. So, I think it should be enough starting from it for creating your own script.

You may try using this code (you should edit the com_string string by adding your specific parameters, including the extra flags):

##Output=output raster
##cellsize=number 25

import os, gdal
import processing

ex = Extent.split(',')
ext = str(ex[0]) + "," + str(ex[1]) + "," + str(ex[2]) + "," + str(ex[3])

com_string = "gdal_rasterize -a KRK_1 -ot 0 -of GTiff -te " +  ext + " -tr " + str(cellsize) +" " + str(cellsize) + " -co COMPRESS=NONE -co BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED -l " + str(Input)

As a first step, I suggest you to initially copy-and-paste only what you see in the Processing dialog after having set your input parameters, and then trying to add your extra flags in the code.

  • All right, I will try that and report back.
    – Miron
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 14:41
  • @Miron I edited the code. Now it should be easier to adapt it to your case.
    – mgri
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 15:21
  • I tryed the code (I think a " is missing at the end, but it still gives me "SyntaxError: invalid syntax". Don't know what I'm missig...
    – Miron
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 15:41
  • The error is certainly in the com_string string (in this answer, the syntax for calling GDAL worked). Could you please paste here what you see in the GDAL console from the algorithm dialog (with your parameters)?
    – mgri
    Commented Jan 24, 2017 at 15:48

I finally solved the problem, it must have had something to do with the com_string string. At the end, I used the following code:

##KRK_Feld=field Input
##Zellengroesse=number 25

import os, gdal
import processing

shapefile = Input
(shapefilefilepath, shapefilename) = os.path.split(shapefile)
(shapefileshortname, extension) = os.path.splitext(shapefilename)

outrastername = shapefileshortname + '.tif'
outraster = Output + '/' + outrastername

ex = Extent.split(',')
ext = str(ex[0]) + " " + str(ex[1]) + " " + str(ex[2]) + " " + str(ex[3])

os.system('gdal_rasterize -a ' + str(KRK_Feld) + ' -ot Byte -of GTiff -co COMPRESS=NONE -co BIGTIFF=IF_NEEDED -te ' + ext + ' -tr ' + str(Zellengroesse) + ' ' + str(Zellengroesse) + ' -l ' + shapefileshortname +' ' +  shapefile + ' ' + outraster)

Now I just need to add the -b and -burn flag.

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