I am using Postgres with postGIS extension. I just installed everything a while ago.
I'm looking at the documentation (it is really difficult for beginners in my opinion - is there any other tutorial or something you recommend?) and it seems I have to create a point from my lat and long, and that in a geospatial database it is (x,y) so I have to flip my lat and long to long, lat.
So, I'm creating markers in my front end application, but I'm confused as to how I can store them in my database.
Here's an example of the marker data that my web Api (using node and a postgres client) is sending over to Postgres (I am able to insert it into my table, so I have some test data):
"lat": 40.7128,
"lng": 74.0059,
"title": "Big Apple",
"description": "New York City, NY, USA. The best city in the world!",
"createdBy": 33823,
"type": 4
My goal with using postGIS is to be able to do something like this:
I am using my app and I have my current location. Find stuff that's within 1 mile of me.
Is there any guidance you can provide to me on how to get started towards that?
From the documentation, I need to create a point. But then it delves into using a type of coordinate system to use. At this point I have no idea what anything means. I am trying to put together a proof of concept for an idea I've had for a while, but this is the biggest roadblock I've hit.