Newbie here confused by my first experience in QGIS
I have a handful of lines defining a bike route.
Originally they were saved in a .gml file and later translated into .kml so they could be viewed in GE.
I can open both .gml and .kml as layers in QGIS, but neither allows me to edit the lines
If I save either the .gml or .kml layers as a Shapefile, then load that shapefile as a QGIS layer, then I can edit the lines.
I have also tried loading the .kml file, making a new blank shapefile layer, selecting and copying the lines on the .kml layer and tried to paste onto the blank shapefile layer, which also was not possible.
I don't understand if lines are understood by QGIS on kml layer well enough to be saved as Shapefile, why they are not editable. I feel I must be missing something basic that explains this and perhaps it has other implications that I should understand.