I have a layer of starting points (people's residences) and a layer of destination points (stores). I also have a roads layer with a cost field calculated from distance and speed of each segment.
What I'd like to end up with is a single layer, or multiple layers, with a cost field for each starting point to each destination point.
So if there are three starting points and three destination points, there should be 9 records in the output. Ultimately, there doesn't need to be any geometry in the output layer, it could just be a csv file. In reality I'm not even sure what type of geometry would be possible as an output.
This could also be run as a batch process, with each starting point as a separate layer. Just a thought if it simplifies things.
I've tried GRASS GIS v.net.distance
but I had a bit of trouble with it. A few times it didn't execute properly, and once I ended up with a single line output layer, connecting the starting points to the closest destination. I think this tool does exactly that; finds the closest to
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