I have a shapefile with points showing numbers of birds observed in different parts of the country.
As these were quite a lot of points with many of them very close together, I used the integrate-tool to combine points that are close to each other (e.g. within 2 km of each other). That all worked fine and the number of shown points was reduced.
Now I would like to label these new points, but can't figure out how it works with these integrated points. Because each of these integrated points actually belong to several original points, all values of these original points are shown as labels. E.g. if an integrated point consists of 5 original points, there are 5 labels.
But I would like to have only the maximum of these original values as the new labels. I already tried to use an expression for the labels e.g. max([Number_of_birds]
, but it doesn't work. Does anyone know how I can do that?
I have ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop, Advanced license.
I added an example of the attribute table:
And here is an example of the map. The blue dots are three original dots, each with it's label. The red one is the integrated dot for these three ones. After integrating, the attribute table is still the same, containing the information of the three original dots and that's why, labels for all three entries are shown. But I would like to show only the maximum of the field "Number" in the label (in this case: 80).