I've received discrete return LiDAR data from a data provider, which was acquired with an Optech C-300 scanner. In addition to the LAS data, the delivery includes the trajectory information in the Applanix SBET (Smoothed Best Estimate of Trajectory) binary format.
I was hoping to visualise the SBET data in QGIS - so I used PDAL SBET Reader to convert the file to ASCII as follows:
pdal translate input.sbet output.csv
The output file includes X, Y, Z coordinates, however these don't relate to my local projection (EPSG:2157):
"GpsTime" "Y" "X" "Z"
556975.005 0.933 -0.159 931.402
556975.010 0.933 -0.159 931.362
556975.015 0.933 -0.159 931.362
556975.020 0.933 -0.159 931.362
556975.025 0.933 -0.159 931.362
556975.030 0.933 -0.159 931.362
556975.035 0.933 -0.159 931.361
The min_x, min_y is (-0.1690, 0.9110) and the max_x, max_y is (-0.1650, 0.9130).
Using the SBET file, is it possible to identify which projection the X and Y coordinates relate to? And if so, can PDAL reproject these coordinates to EPSG:2157? Or is it something that needs to be corrected by the data provider?