I need to merge 20-40 GPX files into a single GPX file, while removing waypoints during the process (I only need tracks).
I looked around the GPSBabel GUI application, but found nothing obvious, and the website displays nothing when clicking on either Support or Documentation.
Can the CLI application do this? Or some other Windows application?
Edit: In addition to Oto's Python-based solution below, I found how to use GpsBabel's CLI application to merge GPX files:
SET APP="c:\Program Files\GPSBabel\gpsbabel.exe"
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set f=
for %%f in (*.gpx) do set f=!f! -f "%%f"
%APP% -t -i gpx %f% -x nuketypes,waypoints -o gpx -F merge.nuked.gpx
Use "-x nuketypes,waypoints" if you don't care about waypoints.
Important: Make sure the filenames are sequential (eg. 1.gpx, 2.gpx, etc.) so that the route makes sense.