In Portal for ArcGIS, I have 100 user limit.

I know that Portal can take users information from LDAP or any 3rd provide software which stores users information.

If I have 101 users in LDAP, and portal user limit is 100, will Portal take more users than 100?

  • I think this is best answered by ESRI's support. Have you asked them?
    – Bera
    Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 9:44
  • No I haven't yet. The thing is will Portal support more than 100 users if I bind LDAP users with Portal. Commented Mar 9, 2017 at 10:34

2 Answers 2


100 users are provided by the license. If you want to add more users you will have to buy a new license that will allow you to make more users in the portal. The LDAP won't allow you to have more users than 100, because it has no dependency with LDAP users.


This is from the ESRI Support Website:

If the maximum number of registered members per membership level exceeds your license entitlement, you are no longer in compliance with the license. [...] If you are not in compliance with your licensing, the following occurs:

  • Accessing the portal website with an account that has administrative privileges displays the membership level that has been exceeded with red text indicating the number of registered members per membership level. This indication is displayed each time the portal website is accessed by an administrator.
  • Accessing the portal website, the ArcGIS Portal Directory, and the portal through ArcGIS Desktop with a non-administrative account displays a sign-in error message stating the member cannot sign in to the portal because of a software authorization error. The member is directed to contact the portal administrator for assistance. The member cannot access the portal until the software authorization error is resolved.
  • New member accounts cannot be created through the portal website or the ArcGIS Portal Directory. If a user attempts to create a member account, an error message displays stating the account could not be created because of a software authorization error. The user is directed to contact the portal administrator for assistance.

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