I have two attributes that contain a value of ' ', among others, which are not selected when I apply an SQL statement in my python script. Trying the same statement in ArcMap does result in them being selected.
I have an attribute "BYGNSTYPE" which has as distinct values:
- ' ' <-
- 'Bygning' <-
- 'Drivhus' <-
- 'Ikke tildelt'
- 'Pelsdyr Opdræt' <-
- 'Tank/Silo'
The values with an arrow next to them are the ones I want. When I use the WHERE clause: BYGNSTYPE <> 'Ikke tildelt' AND BYGNSTYPE <> 'Tank/Silo', ArcMap returns: 4,517,327 records.
When I apply the clause in my script using GDAL it returns 4,514,343 records.
sql = "SELECT * FROM BYGNING WHERE BYGNSTYPE <> 'Ikke tildelt' AND BYGNSTYPE <> 'Tank/Silo'"
selectData = inData.ExecuteSQL(sql)
print sql
if selectData is None:
print 'No data is selected...'
print 'Finished selecting data'
print "Selected features: %s " % selectData.GetFeatureCount()
When providing the oposite statement it also does not select records where BYGNSTYPE = ' '. How can I select ' ' values in Python GDAL using SQL?
Adding 'OR BYGNSTYPE IS NULL' to the SQL statement in Python/GDAL results in the same records being selected.
AND BYGNSTYPE is not null
and next by using the SQLite SQL dialect.