Using ArcMap 10.3.

I am trying to change 100+ annotation values from "Placed" to "Unplaced" as quick as possible.

I have tried to select them and use field calculator, but keep getting an error for Empty Values. The only way I can get it to change is to individually click each attribute and use the drop drown box to change it to place/unplaced.

  • You can do it in the attribute table -> sort then select all unplaced -> use calculator to change values. The values are numeric -1,1 and 0 don't remember exactly. Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 16:05

2 Answers 2


Figured it out.

In the editing bar > attribute button > attribute tab

Just like you would do a bulk text size chang. Select the annotation file title and select unplace/place.

This will change all selected.


use your field calculator. unplaced = 0 placed =1.

  • Welcome to GIS SE! As a new user please take the tour to learn about our focused Q&A format. I think your answer is in the right direction, but it needs more info. Please edit your answer to include details as to where and how to do what you're suggesting, and why it works.
    – Midavalo
    Commented Mar 17, 2017 at 23:00

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