Let's say that I want to chart daily mean sea surface temperatures per X by X degree cell over time, within some larger patch of the ocean. As per these instructions, this is easily done in GEE using ui.Chart.image.seriesByRegion()
. That is, provided you have already defined a FeatureCollection of all the individual polygon regions (i.e. X by X degree cells) first.
Defining this collection of gridded cells is where I am getting stuck. Is there a smart way to automate this step? Perhaps one can even construct the cells from the properties of an imported image collection, e.g. one of the gridded NOAA datasets?
Alternatively, I could draw each of the cell polygons by hand, but this is obviously inefficient and haphazard. I could also write a javascript loop, but loops are supposedly best avoided in GEE as I understand it.
FWIW, in R I would use sp::makegrid()
or do something like this.