It seems there is no geoalgorithm to drop z values in the QGIS processing toolbox. Can this be done programmatically using the Python console? At the moment I have to save the layer with unchecked 'Include z-dimension' checkbox (non automatic geometry type):

enter image description here

  • You could use the QgsVectorFileWriter.writeAsVectorFormat method (see for instance gis.stackexchange.com/questions/153309/… ). There is a includeZ parameter, but you won't need to pass it to the function because it's False by default. Commented Mar 14, 2017 at 12:35

4 Answers 4


For future reference - QGIS 3 includes a drop z value processing algorithm


Specifically, the QGIS 3 tool is called Drop m/z values. It's in the Processing Toolbox, under Vector Geometry. The documentation is here:



Here is how i convert a QgsGeometry (geom) of type PolygonZ to a Polygon in the console:

new_geom = QgsGeometry().fromPolygonXY(geom.asPolygon())

It is some kind of workaround since there is no dedicated method for that. So i dont know if there are better ways to do it. Using the processing tool as recommended in the other answers would be the correct way if you want to convert a whole layer i guess.


You can use ogr2ogr with -dim XY flag:

Force the coordinate dimension

See: https://gdal.org/programs/ogr2ogr.html#cmdoption-ogr2ogr-dim

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