I have downloaded FnodeTnode Tracer plugin from Pitney Bowes plugins repository website. It was just the MBX file that I have to regester it into my MIPRO and did it.
I have water distribution network with different levels of data. Now, I wanted to Trace the Water network End to end. I have selected one link out of networking and I have selected one link from the network and Clicket Strat Tracing. But, I was not lucky to get the tracing done. I have Fnode and Tnode in the Network layer table
Here is the Network layer which has Fnode and Tnode Columns. I have used LineTopo.MBX file which is suggested by @sys49152
Here is the Node file which is populated fter using LineTopo.MBX
Then I have selelectd one of the link in Network Layer and clicked on Start tracing
I have Got this error, But Tracing dint happen.
Process Summary : I have just used Linetopo.MBX for creating Nodes and Node ID's then i moved Node layer to cosmetic layer along with Network layer and clicked on FNode Tnode Trace.
How do I achieve Tracing Upstream and Downstream?
I have few other Point features and Line features in my Water network.