How would I go about resolving this in C#?
I have a line segment (great circle distance) defined by two Lon-Lat pairs (call them points A and B). A third point somewhere on the Earth sphere.
The line segment closes the shortest distance between A and B. Third Lon-Lat pair is the point C.
How do I calculate the distance between the point C, and the closest point on the AB segment?
In fact, I am looking for an algorithm to find the spherical distance between an arbitrary point C and a geodesic segment AB.
What i have for now:
public static float DistanceInKilometres(PointF A, PointF B, PointF C)
var d13 = Haversine_KM_F(A, C);
var R = 3961.3;
var brng12 = Bearing(A, B);
var brng13 = Bearing(A, C);
var dXt = Math.Asin(Math.Sin(d13 / R) * Math.Sin(brng13 - brng12)) * R;
return (float)dXt;
public static Double Bearing(PointF coordinate1, PointF coordinate2)
var latitude1 = coordinate1.Y.ToRadian();
var latitude2 = coordinate2.Y.ToRadian();
var longitudeDifference = (coordinate2.X - coordinate1.X).ToRadian();
var y = Math.Sin(longitudeDifference) * Math.Cos(latitude2);
var x = Math.Cos(latitude1) * Math.Sin(latitude2) -
Math.Sin(latitude1) * Math.Cos(latitude2) * Math.Cos(longitudeDifference);
return (Math.Atan2(y, x).ToDegree() + 360) % 360;
private static float ToRadian(this float angle)
return (float)(Math.PI * angle / 180.0);
private static float ToDegree(this float angle)
return (float)(Math.PI * angle / 180.0);