I want to create parametric SQL View, which provide feature collection of my route, which bbox is in depending on entered parameters. I add some SQL Script which is returned some columns, and one of them is geometry column of type LineString with SRID 4326.
When I tried refresh atributes and check Guess geometry type and srid geometry was not set up as you can see on screen:
Type is still Geometry not Linestring, and SRID is -1. So my questions are:
- Should I set this manualy to LineString? And if yes, should I set SRID of my column in database (4326) or that SRID what I need (900913).
- Geoserver layer display this area which is covered in bbox, so if I understad, I have to set bbox of whole area, which is my route could contains? So if my data are whole planet so I need set bbox of whole planet or what ?