Using the arcgis REST api ( using the addFeatures link how do you add a blob. We've tried the following,
"geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80}, "attributes" : {
"name" : "Joe Smith",
"title" : "Test",
"descr": "324DFIOWNF83294"
does not work (error being Unable to complete operation, "Setting of value for descr failed.") however
"geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80}, "attributes" : {
"name" : "Joe Smith",
"title" : "Test",
"descr": null
edit Base64:
I also tried the following base64 version as Vince suggested
This is text encoded in base64.
with the following,
"geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80}, "attributes" : {
"name" : "Joe Smith",
"title" : "Test",
"descr": "VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXh0IGVuY29kZWQgaW4gYmFzZTY0Lg=="
doesn't work.
What encoding does ArcGIS's REST service expect the blob to be in.
The field types are
name - esriFieldTypeString
title - esriFieldTypeString
descr - esriFieldTypeBlob
Specifically descr is,
descr ( type: esriFieldTypeBlob , alias: desc , editable: true , nullable: true )
ArcGIS Server version is 10.3.1