Using the arcgis REST api (http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/rest/apiref/) using the addFeatures link http://example.com//arcgis/rest/services/name/name/FeatureServer/0/addFeatures how do you add a blob. We've tried the following,

   "geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80},          "attributes" : {
     "name" : "Joe Smith",
     "title" : "Test",
     "descr": "324DFIOWNF83294"

does not work (error being Unable to complete operation, "Setting of value for descr failed.") however

   "geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80},          "attributes" : {
     "name" : "Joe Smith",
     "title" : "Test",
     "descr": null

edit Base64:

I also tried the following base64 version as Vince suggested



This is text encoded in base64.

with the following,

   "geometry" : {"x" : -118.15, "y" : 33.80},          "attributes" : {
     "name" : "Joe Smith",
     "title" : "Test",
     "descr": "VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXh0IGVuY29kZWQgaW4gYmFzZTY0Lg=="

doesn't work.

What encoding does ArcGIS's REST service expect the blob to be in.

The field types are

name - esriFieldTypeString

title - esriFieldTypeString

descr - esriFieldTypeBlob

Specifically descr is,

descr ( type: esriFieldTypeBlob , alias: desc , editable: true , nullable: true )

ArcGIS Server version is 10.3.1

  • You should probably try base64.
    – Vince
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 22:57
  • @vince Tried with the following base 64 VGhpcyBpcyB0ZXh0IGVuY29kZWQgaW4gYmFzZTY0Lg== . Is there some type of content type I have to somehow set? See the edit above for the full submission
    – Zimm3r
    Commented Mar 20, 2017 at 23:11
  • 1
    You say it "does work", does this mean base64 works? Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 0:04
  • 1
    You should also query an existing feature, and see how it is returned.
    – Vince
    Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 0:46
  • @KirkKuykendall doesn't work, sorry about that.
    – Zimm3r
    Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 3:28

2 Answers 2


The ArcGIS Rest API does not support BLOBs for the JSON feature object. From the documentation:

The values are the field values, and they can be any of the standard JSON types: string, number, and boolean. ArcGIS REST API - Feature Object

Is there a reason you can't use Attachments in your project?

  • Because the data is things we'd want to filter or sort on, for example a text field greater than 255 characters (the limit of the actual text field for Arcgis). For example maybe there is a comment field on a point and to have more than 255 characters you'd have to use a blob but you'd still may want to search against it (which an attachment makes awkward). I did see the note on JSON types, but I'm confused why a blob wouldn't just be a string of some sort (base 64, etc).
    – Zimm3r
    Commented Mar 30, 2017 at 1:13

What we ended up doing is modifying the text length to 1500 instead of 255, this was done through the server database I believe. It was confirmed that for a long time there was a text limit of 255 and I swore I read that somewhere (however can't seem to find it).

I was unable to get the BLOB format working at all, neither through REST API or Javascript. My recommendation is to just increase the text length and use a esriFieldTypeString field. The other option is to use attachments which works for somethings as long as you don't have to search for it.

Summary: Extend the esriFieldTypeString field from a default of 255 to whatever you need. It seems in the past there was a limit of 255 but that is no longer the case it's just the default.

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