Is it possible to retrieve json/geojson boundaries using the ONS Open Geography Portal API, if so how?

I have got my apikey and gone through the documentation though I am not seeing any mention of boundary data.

If you visit the page http://geoportal.statistics.gov.uk/datasets/afcc88affe5f450e9c03970b237a7999_0

The API dropdown gives links like the ones below:


And the link for a filtered dataset is showing as:


Visiting the related site http://statistics.data.gov.uk/ you can retrieve a json boundary from a url like below which is more what I was expecting.

  • Try this www.boundaries-io.com . A simple API that returns GeoJson bundaries for postal district , sector and unit codes. It does cost $25 bucks a month,check out their Facebook page for example results.....*I work for them*
    – Jeryl Cook
    Oct 28, 2017 at 22:37

1 Answer 1


To get a single boundary you can add a where query to the URL, filtering on the relevant geographic code (in this case wd16cd).


This URL gives you a geojson, as in the statistics.data.gov.uk example. To get the ESRI JSON format change f=geojson to f=json.

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