I need to import a csv file into a local table. The code I have written is creating the table and populating it, but it is not separating the fields.
My csv file looks like this:
11527815,309,Active,5/8",first,last,1111111111,1373,North 10th St
86822741,310,Active,5/8",first,last,2222222222,1367,North 10th St
11527819,312,Active,5/8",first,last,3333333333,1353,North 10th St
11527817,313,Active,5/8",first,last,4444444444,1345,North 10th St
However the output table looks like this (Had to block out some info):
As you can see, instead of creating individual fields for each comma, it is lumping everything together.
Here is my code:
import csv
import os
import arcpy
newFile = r"C:\Users\jraes\Documents\NastyDrankinProjects\NewTestFile.csv"
out_gdb = r"C:\Data\temp.gdb"
arcpy.TableToTable_conversion(newFile, out_gdb, 'tempTable')
It looks like it should be fairly simple. I also did not see in the documentation where I can set a delimiter.