The ZipPlus4
information seems to be available in the (old) Tiger/Line 2000 data. e.g. for Palm Beach County, FL.
According to gdal driver documentation,
Feature Representation Following is a list of feature types, and
their relationship to the TIGER/Line product.
A CompleteChain is a polyline with an associated TLID (TIGER/Line ID).
The CompleteChain features are established from a type 1 record
(Complete Chain Basic Data Record), and if available it's associated
type 3 record (Complete Chain Geographic Entity Codes). As well, any
type 2 records (Complete Chain Shape Coordinates) available are used
to fill in intermediate shape points on the arc.
These features are derived from type Z (ZIP+4 Codes) records.
ZipPlus4 features have a many to one relationship with CompleteChain
However, the linked Tiger/Line 2000 data is in report type (.RT) files format, not in current GIS format.
Here are some example output for running ogrinfo TGR12099.RT1 ZipPlus4
MODULE (String) = TGR12099
TLID (Integer) = 115356454
RTSQ (Integer) = 0
ZIP4L (Integer) = 3366
ZIP4R (Integer) = 3367
MODULE (String) = TGR12099
TLID (Integer) = 115356457
RTSQ (Integer) = 0
ZIP4L (Integer) = 6048
ZIP4R (Integer) = 6049
MODULE (String) = TGR12099
TLID (Integer) = 115356460
RTSQ (Integer) = 0
ZIP4L (Integer) = 2680
ZIP4R (Integer) = 5151
MODULE (String) = TGR12099
TLID (Integer) = 115356485
RTSQ (Integer) = 0
ZIP4L (Integer) = 0
ZIP4R (Integer) = 0
(Note: the TLID
represents "complete chains" or arcs in the network). The complete chains are topologically correct according to the meta data:
- Complete chains must begin and end at nodes.
- Complete chains must connect to each other at nodes.
- Complete chains do not extend through nodes.
- Left and right GT-polygons are defined for each complete chain element and are consistent throughout the extract process.
There is an GIS.SE question
(Anyone who has the ESRI Census 2000 Tiger/Line data?), which has an answer describing a script for converting the .RT files to shapefiles. I haven't tested it myself, but the code may be relevant.
Also, USPS really defines the ZIP(+4) codes etc. and may change it over time, so the Tiger/Line 2000 from census data may be outdated. Also, I am not an expert with Tiger data. You might want to check with the US Census/Tiger-line people to see if the ZipPlus4 is available in the current tiger-line files in GIS format.