I am trying to do a Spatial Join (Link Attributes based on location) with two shapefiles. What I want to do is determine which streets are in a certain region, or in other words are contained in that region.
I have a drawn the shapefile of regions which will be the join layer, but I have realised too late that this shapefile was not in the project CRS which is Belge lambert 72. The shapefile I have drawn as the join layer is WGS 84.
I have CRS transformation on so QGIS is actually projecting it in the right place it should be.
However, when I have tried to to change the CRS from WGS 84 to lambert 72, either it does not work, or the location changes?
I thought it would not change anything but I was wrong, as you can see in the table above all value's that are joined to the street layer are NULL.
How do I solve this?