The situation is: There are many photos (between 900 to 3000), geotagged and I can see them on MapInfo. The photos are of certain objects and there may be 2 to 8 photos for each object. These objects are also visible in MapInfo as a separate layer. Something I do with them is I go through each one to find the best photo and delete the rest so only one photo per object exists.
The way each photo is currently being assigned to an object is by physically moving the icon over the object. The point in doing that is to ensure that the assigned photo is closest in distance to the assigned object. An algorithm later updates the tables of each layer based on a shortest distance method.
There is no field in the photo layer to say which object it belongs to, and there is no real obvious geometrical pattern between the photos and objects. The only way to tell which object the photo belongs to is by visually inspecting the photo and then doing some kind of data entry for that photo.
Here is a sample of what the map looks like.
The problem is, sometimes I make an error (perhaps by rushing or losing concentration) by thinking that two photos of the same object but from different angles are photos of two separate objects. So the consequence is that there are >=2 photos of the same object when there is only meant to be <=1 photo per object.
The desired outcome is that I can identify photos that belong to a particular object (by somehow grouping them) in a quick manner for the purpose of running a check to ensure only one photo per object exists after I have gone through and found the best photo icons for each object icon in MapInfo.
In other words, I want to group the photos some how that will make this statement true about a particular group of photos: 'this group of photos belong to one object'. So, when I've finished finding the best photo per object, I can run some kind of script to check that <2 photos exist in the table of the same object.
Manually inputting the data into a table in Excel would look something like the image below. This would work for what I want the data for but it is going to be too slow to be practical.
The question is: How do I select multiple photos in MapInfo, which will then make them belong together and so I can later check to make sure only 1 photo per group exists after I have gone through and selected the best photos?
Please feel free to provide a comment if you have another idea about achieving the desired outcome.