I am trying to write a script that would go through my directory and open each *.tif
file, evaluate each of their 120 bands and write the results out to another 120 multiband *.tif
file. The only way I could figure out how to do this was to iterate through the input directory,
open each raster,
iterate through its bands,
evaluate each band for the threshold value (2),
if condition is met assign a number if condition is not met assign a value of zero,
save each band to an output.tif file
then use the composite function to collect all 120 output.tifs
But I'm stuck. When I try to iterate through the bands I get an error message (see below).
First is there an easier way to do this without creating 120 files for each of my 350 multiband input.tifs? If not, can you help me figure out how to iterate through each band?
This is the error message:
========= RESTART: C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.5/Scripts/StartJD.py ========= about to start cycling through rasters in the raster cycle at count 0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Python27/ArcGIS10.5/Scripts/sapflow_StartJD.py", line 36, in sapRas = Raster(inRas + "\Band_" + count) #get individual bands for input raster File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\ArcPy\arcpy\sa\Functions.py", line 4329, in Plus in_raster_or_constant2) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\ArcPy\arcpy\sa\Utils.py", line 53, in swapper result = wrapper(*args, **kwargs) File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\ArcPy\arcpy\sa\Functions.py", line 4326, in Wrapper ["Plus", in_raster_or_constant1, in_raster_or_constant2]) RuntimeError: ERROR 000732: Input Raster: Dataset \Band_ does not exist or is not supported
This is an example of the input file names within the directory, 26_sapsum_2011_converted
(note no extension is listed but the accompanying file does have the extension 26_sapsum_2011_converted.tif.aux).
Here's my script:
# objective of this code is to assign the Julian day when sapsum = 2 and
write a multiband output file for each year
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy, os, sys
#import the environment settings and spatial analyst extension
from arcpy import env
arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF"
# check out spatial analyst extension
if arcpy.CheckExtension('Spatial') == 'Available':
arcpy.AddMessage("Error: Couldn't get Spatial Analyst extenstion,
from arcpy.sa import *
# Set the input/output directories
env.workspace = r"C:\Netcfd\BCSD\sapsum\sapsumtiff\Year\26_Y_20s"
# set number of bands
number_of_bands = 120
# Get a list of Rasters
rasters = arcpy.ListRasters('*.tif')
print 'about to start cycling through rasters'
for raster in rasters:
# cycle through rasters in directory
inRas = Raster(raster) #open and rename raster input
count = 0
print "in the raster cycle at count", count
for band_number in range(0, number_of_bands):
count = count + 1
sapRas = Raster(inRas + "\Band_" + count) #get individual bands for
# input raster
print 'in the band number cycle and the current band number is', count
output = con((sapRas == 2),count,0) #if sapRas is equal to 2 assign
#count if SapRas not equal to 2 assign a value of 0
#save output in temporary file
Rasname, Rasext = os.path.splitext(inRas)# sparate the name from the
save.output(env.workspace + "/JD" + Rasname + "_comp.tif")
for i in range(0, number_of_bands):
listcomp = [] #create a list of output tifs
for ras in arcpy.ListRasters('_comp.tif'):
arcpy.CompositeBands_management(listcomp, env.workspace +
"Composite" + inRas + '.tif') #collect output tifs into a
print "Done! and look it's beer o'clock"
raw_input("Press <enter>") # this keeps the window open until you press