In leaflet, how can I manage the filling option? More specifically, I would like to fill inside a circle until a certain border not the whole geometry. Is that possible? graphical description
I simply use L.Circle: link

var annonciation_195 = L.circle([44.519, 6.760], 500,{color:'#C02900', weight:1, opacity:1, fillColor: '#D19D1F', fillOpacity:.5}).addTo(map);

I tried leaflet semicircle plugin link, but it also does not have this option to my understanding.

1 Answer 1


Simply add an inner circle after the first one with white fillcolor and eventually changing the fillOpacity value according to your needs:

var annonciation_195_outer = L.circle([44.519, 6.760], 500,{color:'#C02900', weight:1, opacity:1, fillColor: '#D19D1F', fillOpacity:.5}).addTo(map);
var annonciation_195_inner = L.circle([44.519, 6.760], 300,{color:'#C02900', weight:1, opacity:1, fillColor: '#FFFFFF', fillOpacity:.5}).addTo(map);


Otherwise, if you want the inner circle void, use Leaflet.Donut.

  • Thank you @afalciano but I want the inner circle to be void, not cover anything on map.
    – Gamze
    Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 7:52
  • In this case you could try the Leaflet.Donut plugin. Commented Apr 24, 2017 at 8:29

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