I am currently attempting to install the Christopher Gholke distrubution of GDAL (and associated bindings) on a work computer as a dependency for a package. This question is related, but I need to run the version of the Python bindings because it is a Python 3 module, so running through the osgeo4w shell is not sufficient.
I am running Windows 7 Enterprise.
When trying to import any variation on:
import gdal #or
from osgeo import gdal # or
import osr # or
import ogr # or
It produced the error
ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
I successfully installed the Christopher Gholke distribution of GDAL on a separate machine with no errors. The machine that had a succesful install did not have osgeo4w installed, which leads me to believe it is the problem.
Is there any way to successfully import gdal from a Python 3.6 shell with osgeo4w without throwing the above error?