Happy labour day!
I want popups which contain hyperlinked text. I would like to show the popup on mouseover and let the user mouseover the popup to click on the link.
I found a fix from a while back (for Leaflet 0.5.1) seems to fulfill my functionality requirements: http://jsfiddle.net/sowelie/3JbNY/
I cannot get it to work nicely on Leaflet 1.0.3. of which I made a jsfiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/68uo7e9m/. It frustratingly works sometimes after repeated hovering from marker to popup (like shown in the gif below).
1. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong or why this is not working like in the first jsfiddle?
2. Does anyone have a suggestion how to go about this differently?
My main javascript code is below followed with the data also in javascript even further below.
Main js code
var MyCustomMarker = L.Marker.extend({
bindPopup: function(htmlContent, options) {
if (options && options.showOnMouseOver) {
// call the super method
L.Marker.prototype.bindPopup.apply(this, [htmlContent, options]);
// unbind the click event
this.off("click", this.openPopup, this);
// bind to mouse over
this.on("mouseover", function(e) {
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.originalEvent.fromElement || e.originalEvent.relatedTarget;
var parent = this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup");
// check to see if the element is a popup, and if it is this marker's popup
if (parent == this._popup._container)
return true;
// show the popup
}, this);
// and mouse out
this.on("mouseout", function(e) {
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.originalEvent.toElement || e.originalEvent.relatedTarget;
// check to see if the element is a popup
if (this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup")) {
L.DomEvent.on(this._popup._container, "mouseout", this._popupMouseOut, this);
return true;
// hide the popup
}, this);
_popupMouseOut: function(e) {
// detach the event
L.DomEvent.off(this._popup, "mouseout", this._popupMouseOut, this);
// get the element that the mouse hovered onto
var target = e.toElement || e.relatedTarget;
// check to see if the element is a popup
if (this._getParent(target, "leaflet-popup"))
return true;
// check to see if the marker was hovered back onto
if (target == this._icon)
return true;
// hide the popup
_getParent: function(element, className) {
var parent = element.parentNode;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.className && L.DomUtil.hasClass(parent, className))
return parent;
parent = parent.parentNode;
return false;
var mapBox = L.tileLayer('https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/fstricker/cj24lz1ez008y2sl5tatjs321/tiles/256/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZnN0cmlja2VyIiwiYSI6ImNpbjBuaWpsczAwcGV3MW0yeWZ3bTVzcmgifQ.Xd1cmYQbdHtpBDVPPp7lAg', {
attribution: 'Map data © <a href="http://http://carnegieendowment.org/">Carnegie</a>, <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/">CC-BY-SA</a>, Imagery © <a href="http://mapbox.com">Mapbox</a>'
var mymap = L.map('mapid', {
layers: [mapBox],
maxBounds: [[73.899900, -26.814528], [12.846228, 143.266096]],
// maxZoom: 4,
minZoom: 3,
// setMaxZoom: 4,
dragging: true,
touchZoom: false,
zoomControl: true,
scrollWheelZoom: true,
doubleClickZoom: true,
// zoomSnap: 0.1,
}).setView([50.650825, 50.276627], 4);
//Better markers
var markers = new L.FeatureGroup();
projects.forEach(function(populate) {
var marker = new MyCustomMarker(populate.latlng);
showOnMouseOver: true
Data js code
var projects = [
region: "Albania",
home: "Tirana",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [41.414742, 19.720561],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [38.2543245, 51.3236467],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
// properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';>Tirana, Albania - October 2016</h4><div id='centralize' class='col-me-1 col-sm-2 col-xs-3'><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-al'></span></div><br>State-backed Chinese firm China Everbright Group <a href='http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-albania-everbright-idUSKCN1271ZE' target='_blank'>bought all of the shares</a> of Tirana International Airport for an undisclosed amount."
// },
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-al'></span>Tirana, Albania - October 2016</h4><br>State-backed Chinese firm China Everbright Group <a href='http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-albania-everbright-idUSKCN1271ZE' target='_blank'>bought all of the shares</a> of Tirana International Airport for an undisclosed amount."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.720561, 41.414742]
region: "Bulgaria",
home: "Burgas",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [42.511065, 27.461233],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Hangzhou",
destination_location: [120.166667, 30.25],
mid_destination: [41.498316,73.0666183],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-bg'></span>Burgas, Bulgaria - January 2017</h4><br>Chinese company Alibaba is considering building <a href='http://www.globalconstructionreview.com/news/chinese-investors-mull-tw7o-am7bitious-logi7stics/' target='_blank'>a logistical base</a> nearby the Bulgarian coastal city of Burgas. Discussions with the <a href='http://www.reuters.com/article/us-bulgaria-economy-alibaba-idUSKBN14V226' target='_blank'>Bulgarian government</a> are being carried out."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [27.461233, 42.511065]
region: "Bulgaria",
home: "Sofia",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 1,
latlng: [42.7, 23.33],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "No counterpart defined, just reads: Bulgaria established the national Belt and Road association",
destination_location: [],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-bg'></span>Sofia, Bulgaria - April 2017</h4><br>Bulgaria established the national Belt and Road association."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.33, 42.7]
region: "Czech Republic",
home: "Prague",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 1,
latlng: [50.083333, 14.416667],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "Opening of the New Silk Road Institute in Prague (NSRIP) with the aim of studying and spreading awareness of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to foster Euro-Asia and Euro-China ties. Former Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kohout is chairman of NSRIP and its advisory board includes former Prime Minister Petr Nečas.",
destination_location: [],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-cz'></span>Prague, Czech Republic - September 2015</h4><br>Opening of the New Silk Road Institute in Prague (NSRIP) with the aim of studying and spreading awareness of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) to foster Euro-Asia and Euro-China ties. Former Czech Foreign Minister Jan Kohout is chairman of NSRIP and its advisory board includes former Prime Minister Petr Nečas."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [14.416667, 50.083333]
region: "Czech Republic",
home: "Elbe river",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [50.806984, 14.233406],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "Construct the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal that would link the Black, Baltic, and North Seas and their main river ports in Hamburg, Szczecin, and Constanta. ",
destination_location: [],
grandeur: "point", //http://bankwatch.org/documents/letak_DOL_EN.pdf
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-cz'></span>Elbe river, Czech Republic - Unknown ETA</h4><br>Construct the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal that would link the Black, Baltic, and North Seas and their main river ports in Hamburg, Szczecin, and Constanta. The Czech Republic and China are expected to invest <a href='http://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy-defence/article/1930953/xi-jinpings-visit-czech-republic-raises-hopes-european' target='_blank'>about $1 billion</a>."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [14.233406, 50.806984]
region: "France",
home: "Toulouse",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [43.6045, 1.444],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Shandong",
destination_location: [117.124046, 36.653958],
mid_destination: [45.6783217,59.8537743],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-fr'></span>Toulouse, France - December 2014</h4></div><br>A Chinese-led consortium bought a 49.9 percent stake in the Toulouse Blagnac Airport in southwest France. (<i>See attached EU report. Falls under OBOR but France has not put that label on it.</i>)"
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [1.444, 43.6045]
region: "France",
home: "Marseille",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [43.2964, 5.37],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [46.821678, 61.121423],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-fr'></span>Marseille, France - December 2014</h4><br>June 2015 – French shipping company CMA CGM <a href='https://www.cma-cgm.com/news/876/the-cma-cgm-group-to-sign-two-major-economic-agreements-during-the-chinese-prime-minister-s-visit-at-its-headquarter-on-july-1st' target='_blank'>signed a $1 billion</a> financing agreement with the Export-Import Bank of China to purchase Chinese container ships."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [5.37, 43.2964]
region: "Germany",
home: "Leipzig",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [51.333333, 12.383333],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Shenyang",
destination_location: [122.3228821, 41.5968626],
mid_destination: [51.436995, 68.793025],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Leipzig, Germany - September 2011</h4><br>Railway linking Leipzig and Shenyang launched (<i>Rebranded as OBOR after 2012</i>)."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [12.383333, 51.333333]
region: "Germany",
home: "Duisburg",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [51.435147, 6.762692],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Chongqing",
destination_location: [106.4084684, 29.5551377],
mid_destination: [46.339253, 56.501962],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Duisburg, Germany - January 2012</h4><br>The 11,300-kilometer railway linking Duisburg and Chongqing launched (<i>Branded part of OBOR during Xi’s 2014 visit</i>)."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [6.762692, 51.435147]
region: "Germany",
home: "Hamburg",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [53.565278, 10.001389],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Zhengzhou",
destination_location: [113.4269663, 34.7075433],
mid_destination: [49.638635, 61.500044],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Hamburg, Germany - July 2013</h4><br>Trans Eurasia Express connecting Hamburg and Zhengzhou launched."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [10.001389, 53.565278]
region: "Germany",
home: "Hamburg",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [53.565278, 10.001389],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Harbin",
destination_location: [126.5119379, 45.7573839],
mid_destination: [54.391646, 68.888910],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Hamburg, Germany - June 2015</h4><br>Railway linking Hamburg to Harbin launched."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [10.001389, 53.565278]
region: "Germany",
home: "Nurnberg",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [49.45, 11.083333],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Chengdu",
destination_location: [103.9354611, 30.6587488],
mid_destination: [45.337839, 57.211844],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Nurnberg, Germany - October 2015</h4><br>Railway linking Nurnberg and Chengdu launched (<i>Labeled as part of OBOR by both Chinese and German media</i>)."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [11.083333, 49.45]
region: "Germany",
home: "Berlin",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [52.507222, 13.145833],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [50.850264, 66.059732],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-de'></span>Berlin, Germany - March 2016</h4><br>China expands its Eurasian Land Bridge connecting the far East with European ports with deals with cities in France and Germany, including Lyon and Hamburg."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [13.145833, 52.507222]
region: "Greece",
home: "Piraeus",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [37.941944, 23.636111],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [43.416617, 70.003127],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-gr'></span>Piraeus, Greece - August 2016</h4><br>The China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) acquired a majority stake in the Port of Piraeus COSCO’s acquisition of majority stake in the Port of Piraeus. COSCO paid €280.5 million for 51 percent of the shares and €88 million for another 16 percent after five years, on the condition that it invests another €350 million over the next decade."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [23.636111, 37.941944]
region: "Greece",
home: "Thessaloniki",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [40.636, 22.922],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Shanghai",
destination_location: [121.1965635, 31.2246325],
mid_destination: [40.945101, 72.957231],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-gr'></span>Thessaloniki, Greece - Ongoing</h4><br>The Shanghai Ports International Group has <a href='http://www.hfw.com/HFW-advises-ICTSI-on-Thessaloniki-port-privatisation' target='_blank'>put in a bid</a> to gain a 67 percent stake in the Thessaloniki Port Authority in northern Greece."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [22.922, 40.636]
region: "Hungary",
home: "Budapest",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [47.4925, 19.051389],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "Construction starts on the Budapest Belgrade Railway that will connect the Port of Piraeus in Greece to Budapest via high-speed train. A consortium comprising of the China Railway Group, China Railway Corporation, and the Hungarian State Railways was awarded a €1.5 billion contract to refurbish the 100 mile-long Hungarian section.",
destination_location: [],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-hu'></span>Budapest, Hungary - September 2016</h4><br>Construction starts on the Budapest Belgrade Railway that will connect the Port of Piraeus in Greece to Budapest via high-speed train. A consortium comprising of the China Railway Group, China Railway Corporation, and the Hungarian State Railways was awarded a €1.5 billion contract to refurbish the 100 mile-long Hungarian section."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.051389, 47.4925]
region: "Hungary",
home: "Budapest",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [47.4925, 19.051389],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [48.035379, 68.487617],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-hu'></span>Budapest, Hungary - March 2016</h4><br>The China National Tourism Administration <a href='http://en.cnta.gov.cn/focus/travelnews/201603/t20160307_762631.shtml' target='_blank'> opened its first office</a> in Central and Eastern Europe in Budapest with the advertising campaign, “Beautiful China, Silk Road”."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.051389, 47.4925]
region: "Italy",
home: "Venice",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [45.4375, 12.335833],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "China and Italy launch the “Five Ports Alliance” project, which aims to create a major container terminal in the region, including Venice, Trieste, and Ravenna in Italy, Capodistria in Slovenia, and Fiume in Croatia.",
destination_location: [],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-it'></span>Venice, Italy - July 2015</h4><br>China and Italy launch the “Five Ports Alliance” project, which aims to create a major container terminal in the region, including Venice, Trieste, and Ravenna in Italy, Capodistria in Slovenia, and Fiume in Croatia. The project will cost around €2.2 billion in total."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [12.335833, 45.4375]
region: "Netherlands",
home: "Rotterdam",
onlyinvested: 1,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [51.916667, 4.5],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Beijing",
destination_location: [116.383333, 39.916667],
mid_destination: [51.319974, 59.460806],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-nl'></span>Rotterdam, Netherlands - May 2016</h4><br>COSCO purchased a 35 percent stake in Euromax, the operator of Europe’s largest port in Rotterdam, in a transaction that totaled <a href='http://worldmaritimenews.com/archives/191588/cosco-pacific-buys-stake-in-euromax-terminal-in-rotterdam/' target='_blank'>€125.43 million</a>."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [4.5, 51.916667]
region: "Netherlands",
home: "Tilburg",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [51.55, 5.083333],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Chengdu",
destination_location: [103.9354611, 30.6587488],
mid_destination: [46.743658, 54.452098],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-nl'></span>Tilburg, Netherlands - April 2016</h4><br>The Chengdu-Tilburg weekly freight train was launched. In September 2016, the port of Rotterdam was added to the scheme, leading to the creation of the <a href='https://www.portofrotterdam.com/en/news-and-press-releases/first-rail-service-china-netherlands-launched' target='_blank'>Chengdu-Tilburg-Rotterdam Express</a>, which is part of the Chengdu–Europe Express Railway Service."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [5.083333, 51.55]
region: "Netherlands",
home: "Venlo",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [40.649167, 21.385556],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Chongqing",
destination_location: [106.4084684, 29.5551377],
mid_destination: [46.348419, 56.494231],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-nl'></span>Venlo, Netherlands - July 2016</h4><br><a href='http://www.newsilkwaylogistics.com/' target='_blank'>New Silkway Logistics (NSWL)</a> was founded, a Verno-based joint venture providing end-to-end intermodal rail and logistics solutions between Europe and China via the Duisburg–Chongqing rail line."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [21.385556, 40.649167]
region: "Poland",
home: "Lodz",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [51.783333, 19.466667],
single_destination: 0,
destination: "The Lodz–Chengdu cargo rail connection was officially launched. (This predates the official launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, but was later branded as a key BRI project) In August 2015, the Lodz–Chengdu line was extended to the Haicang Port Area of Xiamen Free Trade Zone. The 10,000-kilometer one-way journey from Xiamen to Lodz takes 15 days.",
destination_location: [],
mid_destination: [46.227884, 61.748423],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-pl'></span>Lodz, Poland - April 2013</h4><br>The Lodz–Chengdu cargo rail connection was officially launched. (<i>This predates the official launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, but was later branded as a key BRI project</i>) In August 2015, the Lodz–Chengdu line was <a href='http://www.whatsonxiamen.com/news39485.html' target='_blank'>extended to the Haicang Port Area of Xiamen Free Trade Zone</a>. The 10,000-kilometer one-way journey from Xiamen to Lodz takes 15 days."
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [19.466667, 51.783333]
region: "Poland",
home: "Warsaw",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 1,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [52.233333, 21.016667],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Suzhou",
destination_location: [120.6, 31.3],
mid_destination: [47.400053, 70.772692],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-pl'></span>Warsaw, Poland - September 2013</h4><br>The Warsaw–Suzhou cargo railway line became functional. The first cargo operator on this line was <a href='http://rzdlog.com/press/187/' target='_blank'>Far East Land Bridge</a>, a joint venture of Russian Railways Logistics. (<i>The timing of this coincides with the launch of BRI, so the project predates the Initiative itself, but is presented as part of the initiative</i>)"
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [21.016667, 52.233333]
region: "Poland",
home: "Gdansk",
onlyinvested: 0,
rail: 0,
solelyEurope: 0,
latlng: [54.366667, 18.633333],
single_destination: 1,
destination: "Shanghai",
destination_location: [121.1965635, 31.2246325],
mid_destination: [48.799651, 69.897838],
grandeur: "point",
check: false,
type: "Feature",
properties: {"Name": "<h4 style='color:red';><span class='flag-icon flag-icon-pl'></span>Gdansk, Poland - March 2009</h4><br>The Port of Gdansk and the Port of Shanghai An signed an <a href='https://www.portgdansk.pl/events/shanghai-gdansk-cooperation' target='_blank'>agreement</a> to promote collaboration between the two parties. The agreement called for cooperation on port management strategy, fostering technological and commercial exchange, and improving efficiency. (<i>presented within the framework of China-Poland maritime relations under BRI</i>)"
geometry: {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [18.633333, 54.366667]