I want to create some layers queries in my QGIS plugin using Python. I have find here a question and I try to follow with success (works fine for a shapefile).

from osgeo import ogr

filepath = 'C:/Users/username/Desktop/path/clip.shp' # set the filepath
layer_name = filepath[:-4].split('/')[-1] # get the layer name
driver = ogr.GetDriverByName ("ESRI Shapefile")
ogr_ds = driver.Open(filepath)
sql = "SELECT myfield FROM %s WHERE OBJECTID=%s" %(layer_name,TEST)
layer = ogr_ds.ExecuteSQL(sql)
feat = layer.GetNextFeature()
val = feat.GetField(0)

print (val.decode('utf-8'))

but that question is for shapefile what I need more if that is layer in PostGIS database.

I know only the connection like this:

import psycopg2

    conn = psycopg2.connect("dbname='template1' user='dbuser' host='localhost' password='dbpass'")
    print "I am unable to connect to the database"

2 Answers 2


Adding PostGIS table to a QGIS map

In a QGIS plugin I would use QgsDataSourceURI from the pyqgis API. Here is some snippet form a project I worked on.

Database connection is wrapped in a function. All you need is the db_params. The password is only base64 encoded; Since the pw is not a big secret and the users where I work are not hackers.

def get_dbparams(self):
    # Get db connections params #
    DB = 'somedb'
    PORT = 5432
    HOST = '11.22.333.44'

    user = self.get_userrole()

    if user == GrukosUser.READER:
        db_params = {
            'dbname': DB,
            'user': 'grukosreader',
            'host': HOST,
            'password': base64.b64decode('SDFADSASDFADF'),
            'port': PORT
        return db_params
    elif user == GrukosUser.WRITER:
        db_params = {
            'dbname': DB,
            'user': 'grukoswriter',
            'host': HOST,
            'password': base64.b64decode('SDFGSGSDFGSDFGSDF'),
            'port': PORT
        return db_params
        return None

Get the parameters:

    db = MyDb()
    params = db.get_dbparams()

Set the datasource:

uri = QgsDataSourceURI()
uri.setConnection(params['host'], str(params['port']), params['dbname'], params['user'], params['password'])

If your using a filter on table with no geometry:

 uri.setDataSource("myschema", "mytablename", None, "mycolumn={}".format(myvalue))

If you using a filer on a table with a geometry:

uri.setDataSource("myschema", "mytablename", "mygeom", "mycolumn={}".format(myvalue))

If no filter and no geometry:

uri.setDataSource("myschema", "mytablename", None)

If no filter and geometry:

uri.setDataSource("myschema", "mytablename", "geom")

If using a spatial view. Must have unique column. Here called id:

uri.setDataSource("myschema", "mytablename", "geom", aKeyColumn='id')


vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri.uri(), "mylayername", "postgres")

Check validity:

if not vlayer.isValid():

Add to map:

QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer, True)

No map just need to get some data from Postgres

I use psycopg2 like:

def get_projectid(self, gkoid):
    """ Use a PostgreSQL function to translate gkoid to projectid """
    sql = 'SELECT myschema.mypgfunction({});'.format(gkoid)
    cur = self.execute_sql(sql)
    rows_tuple = cur.fetchone()
    projectid = rows_tuple[0]

    return projekcid, sql

def execute_sql(self, sql, dict_cursor=True, print_sql=False):

    """ Execute a SQL query
    :param sql: SQL to be executed
    :param dict_cursor: Flag indicating if cursor is a dict or not. Use false for scalar queries
    :param print_sql: Flag indicating if sql is to be printet
    :return: returns a cursor

    if print_sql: print sql
    conn = psycopg2.connect(**self.get_dbparams())

    if dict_cursor:
        cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory = psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
        cur = conn.cursor()

        return cur
    except psycopg2.DatabaseError, e:
        print 'Some error {}'.format(e)
        #if conn:
        #    conn.close()


In some case error in SQL will crash QGIS at once. A way of debugging is connecting to the QgsMessageLog. I wrap it in a function like this:

def enable_qgis_log(filename = 'D:\gqis.log', haltApp = False, haltMsg = 'stop'):
    """ Very useful when QGIS crashes on PGSQL error
    :param filename: Filename and path for log file
    :param haltApp: Halts the application with a modal dialog
    :param haltMsg: Message to user when showing model stopping dialog
    :rtype: None
    def write_log_message(message, tag, level):
        with open(filename, 'a') as logfile:
            logfile.write('{tag}({level}): {message}'.format(tag=tag, level=level, message=message))


    if haltApp:
        QtGui.QMessageBox.information(None, GrukosAux.GRUKOS, "{}".format(haltMsg.encode('cp1252')), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) 

If conn is your databse connection from your code above, you fire your sql-statement as follows:

c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('SELECT * FROM mytesttable')

Where fetchall() returns a list of tuples containing the column values from your SELECT (implies that you know their order when SELECTing *).

Note that psycopg2 as a database client does not auto-commit database changes when using statements like INSERT or UPDATE. In latter cases you have to implicitly end your statement with

  • thnx you but I have some question how to take current postgis connection to do my query?for example in my QGIS project I have save postgis connection every time,how to get it to avoid connect again with my python plugin ? Commented May 10, 2017 at 20:37

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