I am new to using Python scripts to execute ArcGIS tools. In my first script I am attempting to loop through many Select Layer by Location operations on overlapping feature classes. I want to create a new feature class that contains all of the "Block" features that have their center in the "Coverage" feature. All selecting polygon feature classes are in a "Coverage" feature dataset and all input feature classes are in a "Blocks" feature dataset. Both feature datasets are in a File Geodatabase. The selection completes with no unexepected behavior in a batch run of a functionally similar ModelBuilder Model, but the Python script below produces empty feature classes for the selected features.
My code is below:
#Import arcpy module
import os
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
#Define workspace
env.workspace = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb"
#Local variables
#Feature dataset containing blocks
Block_fd = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb\\CensusBlocks"
#Feature class containing coverage polygons
Coverage_fd = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb\\NFHLCoveragePolys"
#Output location
Output_fd = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb\\NFHLBLocks"
#Create lists from feature datasets to select from
env.workspace = Block_fd
blockList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
env.workspace = Coverage_fd
coverageList = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
#Iterate through each feature class in the Block dataset and the Coverage
#dataset and perform operations
#Change workspace to main gdb
env.workspace = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb"
for i in range(len(blockList)):
#Change workspace to main gdb
env.workspace = "C:\\ArcPrj\\NFHL_Data.gdb"
#Select the ith feature class in the feature dataset
blocks = blockList[i]
coverage = coverageList[i]
#Make feature classes into feature layers
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(blocks, "blocks_lyr")
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(coverage, "coverage_lyr")
#Select blocks that have centroids in the coverage polygon
#(select layer by loc)
arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("blocks_lyr", "HAVE_THEIR_CENTER_IN", "coverage_lyr", selection_type="NEW_SELECTION")
env.workspace = Output_fd
#Copy selection to a feature class
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management("blocks_lyr", blocks + "_NFHL")
#Clear previous layers
I am a Python beginner.