I am working on a WMS to publish data with GeoServer (2.11.0). Tables come from PostGIS (PostgreSQL 9.6). I have indexed geometries on the tables and i have also indexed attributes which are being used in the SLD.
The SLD is quite simple, this is an example of one rule:
<CssParameter name="stroke">#666666</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-width">3</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">8 4</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke">#faeae6</CssParameter>
<CssParameter name="stroke-width">1.5</CssParameter>
But after panning through the WMS I can see on PostGIS that the only index being used is the geometry index:
Why the indexes for the attributes are not being used?
The query sent from GeoServer to PostGIS is like:
ST_AsBinary ( CASE WHEN ST_HasArc ( "the_geom" ) THEN "the_geom" ELSE ST_Simplify ( ST_Force2D ( "the_geom" ), 7803.3542335301645, TRUE ) END ),
) AS "the_geom"
"the_geom" && ST_GeomFromText ( 'POLYGON ((11888876.271085668 4251249.343989519, 11888876.271085668 11795995.306196207, 17000073.294047713 11795995.306196207, 17000073.294047713 4251249.343989519, 11888876.271085668 4251249.343989519))', 3857 )
AND ((
"natural" = 'wood'
AND "natural" IS NOT NULL
OR ( "landuse" = 'forest' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "natural" = 'glacier' AND "natural" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "waterway" = 'glacier' AND "waterway" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "natural" = 'sand' AND "natural" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "natural" = 'grassland' AND "natural" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'residential' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'commercial' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'retail' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'industrial' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'farmland' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'farmyard' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'orchard' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'vineyard' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'grass' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "natural" = 'water' AND "natural" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "waterway" = 'riverbank' AND "waterway" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "landuse" = 'reservoir' AND "landuse" IS NOT NULL )
OR ( "waterway" = 'canal' AND "waterway" IS NOT NULL )))