I am using the levelplot function of the awesome rasterVis package to create a map whose values diverge around zero. I am plotting a raster file using a red to blue palette, but I am trying to assign grey to zero values in the map.

Specifically, I want to reproduce the colors of this figure:

enter image description here

Notice that where a red to blue scale is used, but zero values have been colored with grey.

Currently, my maps looks like this:enter image description here

And this is the code to reproduce it (file available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/cypfdu1eaz2fuok/r.annual.tif?dl=0):

# Load required packages

# open file
r.annual <- raster("Downloads/r.annual.tif")

# Set color palette
myTheme=rasterTheme(region=brewer.pal('RdBu', n=11))

# Plot
levelplot(annual.mask, par.settings=myTheme, margin=F)

How can I assign grey to all zero values in my map above?

1 Answer 1


You can define your own color palette by concatenating two predefined color palettes and your desired gray color as: [red orange yellow palette] + [zero gray color] + [blues palette]. To get zero value aligned with the gray color you have to use the same number of colors (n) for the predefined color palettes.

Try the commented code below:

# Load libraries

# open raster file
r.annual <- raster("r.annual.tif")

# Set color palette
zeroCol <-"#B3B3B3" # (gray color, same as your figure example)
reds <- rev(brewer.pal('YlOrRd', n = 7))
blues <- brewer.pal('Blues', n = 7)

myTheme <- rasterTheme(region = c(reds, zeroCol, blues))

# Plot
levelplot(r.annual, par.settings = myTheme, margin = FALSE, main = expression("Precipitation" ~ (mm ~ year^{-1})))


Notice that your plot won't look like the figure example you posted because your raster have more sparse data with many Nas

  • Thanks for the reply. I realized that my problem is probably too many NA's in the map. Try adding myTheme$panel.background$col = 'grey70' after your myTheme line and plot it to see the result. Apparently now I need to get rid of the excessive NA areas around the image. Commented May 19, 2017 at 15:15
  • 3
    You are welcome! Note that 0 value is different from NA value. Also they have different meanings. You can assign the same color to both, but I think It's not appropriate. If you want to have a precipitation raster that look like the figure you posted (more data), one suggestion maybe trying to interpolate your data following an appropriate prediction model.
    – Guz
    Commented May 19, 2017 at 16:10

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