I would like to use one of pgrouting's algorithm to find the (shortest) path between 2 points with predominance for a specific type of road.
To build the data I used the osm2pgrouting.
Is there an algorithm where I could define my preferences for the road type (in table ways class_id column class_id which represents road type or in table osm_way_types)? If not how should I tweak my database? Knowing that I used the osm2pgrouting --> there is table public.osm_way_classes there is max_speed but it seems poor choice for tweaking it. I would like to leave it alone. I didn't really find anything useful in other tables. Any ideas?
@edit (second question deleted) I saw that in dijkstra algorithm there is cost in inside query. Maybe add column priority to way_classes (or way_types). And then join the table ways with table way_classes and then with table way_types. So in query there won't be ST_Length / length in cost but length * priority. What do you think?