I'm trying to find a hot-spot analysis plug-in for QGIS that would perform similarly to the Getis-Ord (Gi*) hot-spot analysis tool used in Arc, but have not been successful. Does anyone have a suggestion for where to find one?
4 Answers
This question refers to the Getis-Ord GI* hot-spot analysis tool in ArcGIS. One can find an explanation of the tool here: http://webhelp.esri.com/ARCGISDESKTOP/9.3/index.cfm?TopicName=Hot_Spot_Analysis_(Getis-Ord_Gi*)_(Spatial_Statistics)
The assumption that hot-spot is a synonym for heat-map is incorrect. Heat-map has a wide variety of definitions, whereas this question refers to something specific that (to my knowledge) has not been asked or answered before on this forum.
Here is a link to the best guidance I have yet found regarding a plugin in QGIS that is equivalent to the Getis-Ord GI* hot-spot analysis tool in ArcGIS: http://starspy.googlecode.com/svn-history/r348/branches/gph4598f11/qgisplugin/PysalPlugin/getis_ord/getis_ord.py
Though being late to this party (;-) I'd like to point to this prototype which probably answers this thread: QGIS plugin for hotspot analyis by Stanly Shaji et al..
The mentioned prototype was added in the official QGIS repository: https://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/HotspotAnalysis/
Make sure to read the requirements listed in https://github.com/stanly3690/HotSpotAnalysis_Plugin and don't doubt to ask if any incompatibility arises.
Assuming Hot-spot is a synonym for heat-map then this has been asked (and answered) a few times before:
How to generate heatmaps with QGIS1.9 plugin automatically?
3Definitely not a synonym for heatmap! Heatmaps are typically about creating a raster interpolation of the density of observations given point data. Hotspot analysis is about locating areas of statistically significant geospatial clusters of observations with a particular attribute within a larger sample population. Put more simply, if we were mapping crime, a heatmap could let us see where crime is taking place, full stop; a hotspot analysis could show where crime is taking place at higher than expected levels given the existing population.– OwenCommented Dec 21, 2016 at 15:01