I'm using leaflet 1.0.3 with latest plugin leaflet-locatecontrol. When I start to locate myself, it takes arround 5 seconds. My position is being watched constantly and even if I move right after the last position update it takes 5 seconds again to reposition my map. I've tried using parameters such as timeout or maximumAge, but these have no effect. I've searched for any numbers in leaflet.js to replace these with lower values, but that didn't help either.
A position update interval of 500ms would be awesome for my application. From what I've read, Leaflet uses Browser API to process geolocations. But I managed to locate myself in OpenLayers with my desired update interval. Is there any way to hack Leaflet's update Interval?
var lc = L.control.locate({
position: 'topright',
strings: {
enableHighAccuracy: true,
setView: true, //no effect
keepCurrentZoomLevel: true, //no effect
watch:false, //no effect
timeout: 1000, //no effect
maximumAge: 1000 //no effect